Hi there
Component Editor takes feature development out of the hands of IT staff and developers and put its firmly in the hands of those who need it – content managers.
SiteCM splits special content components into simple, admin based tools that can be implemented quickly. Typically, interactive or database driven content was the responsibility of developers. Employing that expertise tended to generate significant development spends.
With Component Editor, the time to market of feature rich content like polls, calendars, submission forms and headline rotators is measured in minutes, not hours or days; and the cost of development? What’s the overhead of your staff measured in minutes?
Component Editor allows content editors to deliver a richer visitor experience to site visitors. Delivering information promptly in a form that site visitors can quickly review is key to building relevant content.
If your organization is holding regularly scheduled training for your customers, you can create a calendar that links users to event details; if you’re a non-profit or industry association, you may poll visitors to your site on changes in government policy. These types of content can be created within minutes using the suite of tools bundled with component editor.
The Component Editor suite contains the following content creation tools. Each tool uses the same familiar admin interface and 5 step approach to content creation.
Click on the links below to see a view of each component
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